Awning automation

Modern, automated awnings not only protect against solar radiation, but are also useful on cool and cloudy days. Although these are seasonal devices, permanently installed, they are exposed to unfavorable weather conditions. Therefore, they should be of high quality and reliability, thanks to which they will provide us with comfort throughout year.

Awnings installed above terraces are the most popular, as a large part of time is spent there on warm days. Thanks to them, we can have more benefits from terrace, feel more comfortable.

Awnings reduce possibility of sunlight penetrating through the window, which may limit operation of air-conditioning devices and consumption of electricity. By ensuring effective sun protection, we obtain higher use comfort of rooms and reduce need for air conditioning. These covers also protect terrace timber and plants against intense sun rays.

Remote control of awning extends its life and is also convenient. You don’t need get up from armchair to open or close awning. In addition, it can be freely set to shade only a selected part of the surface. Automated awnings not only provide adequate comfort on the terrace, but are also an aesthetic element of house, finishing for many years.

Awning control systems are not only useful but also smart. Thanks to the sensors, they release awning from obligation to unfold and roll up, and durning absence of household members, they themselves take care of optimal covers use and protect them against unfavorable weather conditions. In situation, where weather is difficult to predict, any sensors that spontaneously respond to its variability are extremely useful.

When sun heats up too much, sun sensor activates extension of awning, without involving household members. It’s particularly useful option both during our presence and our absence at home. Sensors issue a command to extend awning automatically, when insolation exceeds limit value defined on sensor.

In innovative io-homecontrol radio control system, we can make any changes to sun sensor settings, using remote control. Thanks to precise feedback, that is sent in real time after command executing to transmitter we gain full flexibility in controlling insolation, even in users absence.

Selected motorized awning models not only protect against the sun, but thanks to adding lighting and heating systems on terrace wall or an awning profile, they also ensure terrace using in the evening or on cloudy days. Special light panels and quartz-halogen radiators are equipped with radio system, so they can be controlled with a remote control.

What distinguishes quartz-halogen heaters from other heaters is ability to adjust the level of heat intensity, and thus energy savings up to 30% and the perception of heat in the wind, true enemy of awnings. They heat objects within their range, in a similar way to the sun. Perfect solution – when evening is approaching or when sun is hiding behind clouds. Radiators are resistant to wind, and this solution is ecological and economical.

Due to their dimensions and construction, awnings react to every gust. To protect against possible awning damage, it’s proposed to equip them with special wind and sun sensors.

When sun starts shining, awning reacts to sun’s rays and unfolds. In the event of weather change or strong winds, awning automatically retracts. Wind value is set based on local weather conditions and depending on awning construction.

After detecting pre-programmed wind speed by installer, awning will close automatically, even when no one is at home. As a result, users no longer have to worry about damage of mechanism or awning fabric, caused by too strong wind.

Recently, investors have most often installed vibration sensors mounted on beams. This kind of sensor – individual for each awning – commands to close awning, when vibrations of mechanism are too high.

Thanks to sensors and automation, we can enjoy our terrace both on beautiful sunny days and on cool evenings. Additionally, provided protection against bad weather significantly extends life of mechanism and awning fabric, and remote control let to save time, rest comfortably and control cover also in our absence.


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